ESC! Tech News

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Helping you succeed in business is our mission and customer interaction tools like your website are some of the most powerful business tools you have!

We want to help ensure it’s the best it can be.

WordPress 6.0 “Arturo” Released

WordPress 6.0 “Arturo” Released

Inspired by Grammy-winning jazz musician, Arturo O’Farrill, WordPress 6.0 was released on May 24th. Though the focus continues to be on Full Site Editing (FSE), there are many other features under the hood that may benefit ESC! Technologies Group's clients even if FSE...

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Ukrainian Relief Effort Links

DONATE to Humanitarian Initiatives in Ukraine Since the beginning of Russia's invasion, the number of Ukrainians who fled the bombed territories has exceeded half a million. You can donate funds or help by providing medicine, blankets, food packs, and other...

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WordPress 5.9.2 Released: Security Update

WordPress 5.9.2 Released: Security Update

WordPress 5.9.2 was released March 10th, 2022. This update includes 1 bug fix as well as patches for one high-severity vulnerability and two medium-severity security issues. Per Our Friends at Wordfence: "The high-severity issue affects version 5.9.0 and 5.9.1 and...

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WooCommerce Security Update – March 2022

WooCommerce Security Update – March 2022

On March 10, 2022, the Woo Team announced a security patch for all branches of WooCommerce going back to version 3.5. This patch fixed several security flaws discovered within the PayPal Standard payment gateway which was installed as default up through WooCommerce...

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WordPress 5.9.2 Released: Security Update

WordPress 5.9 “Joséphine” Released

Named in honor of Joséphine Baker, WordPress 5.9 was released in late January. While its major new headline feature, Full Site Editing, is not something most ESC! Technologies Group clients will necessarily benefit from, it does bring a number of improvements for...

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WordPress 5.7.1 Released: Patches 2 Security Issues

WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza” Released

Named in honor of Esperanza Spalding, WordPress 5.7 was released this week and brings with it an updated color palette, and easier to use editor, lazy loading of iFrames, and more! All ESC! Technologies Group clients who subscribe to one of our WordPress Care Plans...

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